We give because of the love we have experienced in the story of our faith

Trinity 1

Mission, Vision and Goals

We are a community of Christians who welcome diversity in theology and world view.


How We Worship
We offer opportunities to move deeply into our Episcopal tradition, but also to embrace diverse forms of worship from time to time.


Sermons and Reflections

Our Family Service

Services and Discussion, This Week In Person and Online: All the information and links you’ll need to view our virtual and in-person services, participate in weekly discussions, and stay in touch with folks at Trinity HERE.
For a list of all online services current and past, our YouTube Live website is HERE.

Office Hours, Phone, Email and Mailing Address

  • Monday – Friday 8:30am to 4pm
  • 541-382-5542 [voice]
  • 541-382-5803 [fax]
  • Email: ministry@trinitybend.org
  • Trinity Episcopal Church, 469 NW Wall St, Bend, OR 97703


Parish Profile: Thanks to all of the people who participated in the recent Parish Survey, we have now put together the New Parish Profile. We hope that this information will give a detailed look at who we are and what we do. You will find an online version HERE.