Exploring Our Faith and Worshipping Together


Adult Forum — meets Sunday mornings at 9:15 AM, and includes opportunities for learning and conversations with spiritual leaders (on summer recess starting in May).

Godly Play Sunday School – provides for the Christian educator and formation of our children (ages 3-12). This weekly program during the school year happens on Sunday morning and is administered by a dedicated team of eight (8) Godly Play certified teachers. All have completed Safe Church training and have a yearly background check.

Youth Group — provides for the Christian education and formation of our youth (grades 6-12). This program is in progress.

Family Service — offers a place for the entire parish to connect in fellowship on a monthly basis.  The service uses age-appropriate language to make the service feel like a fun and safe place for our children as well as for our adults and is followed by a community potluck meal.

Sermon Reflections — small group discussions of the previous Sunday’s sermon.  What did it mean?  How do we live it?

Spiritual Companions Group — structured group sharing of spiritual journeys led by trained Spiritual Directors.

Creating Our Worship Space

ALTAR GUILD AND LITURGICAL ARTS – prepares sanctuary and altar area for services.

ALTAR FLOWERS – creates flower arrangements for Sunday services and other occasions. 

COMMUNION BREAD TEAM – bakes altar bread.


Acolytes — assist in worship by processing with the cross, and assisting at the altar; coordinate with clergy.

Liturgical Ministers (including Lectors) — assist with readings and Eucharist during services.

Ushers — welcome folks to the services, distribute worship booklets, and collect offerings.

Nursery — provides a place for our youngest children to play to allow their parents to fully experience the service.

Music — provides music for Trinity services with choir and special guests.

Healing Prayer — makes healing prayer available at 10 AM service when requested.


WEDDING COORDINATOR – assists wedding party in planning and preparation for the wedding ceremony.