Making It All Possible

PARISH ADMINISTRATOR – a welcoming presence when you need help or have a question. At the same time covering day- to-day duties such as finance and accounting, facility management, numerous communications, and a host of other tasks.

CHILDREN, FAMILY, AND YOUTH MINISTRY – assists the Rector in organizing offerings for Children, Family, and Youth of the Parish. This includes Godly Play Sunday School, Family Service, Family Retreats, Acolytes, and Youth Group.

PARISH SEXTON – cares for building and grounds as well as assisting with meeting and activity preparations.

BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE – assists Sexton with operation and maintenance of Trinity’s buildings and grounds.

CONTRIBUTIONS AND PLEDGES – records and maintains records of pledges and giving.

FINANCE COMMITTEE – reviews church finances and develops budgets and recommendations for Vestry.

FOUNDATION – provides financial support for the long-term operations and ministry of the church.

TRUMPET EDITOR – formats the Trumpet articles to create a finished product.

TRUMPET MAILING – assembles and mails monthly newsletter.