Reaching Out – Beyond the Church

Condega Project — an international outreach of Trinity to the people of Condega, Nicaragua.  Each year a group from the church visits Condega, taking school supplies and funds to support a school and housing for deaf children, school uniforms, medicine and other projects.

Dystonia Support Group — provides resources and support for those living with dystonia.

Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD) — Trinity supports ERD’s mission to provide community development and disaster relief in the United States and 40 other countries.

Family Kitchen — multi-church meal service to the hungry.  Church and community volunteers help prepare and serve the meals. 

Family Kitchen Bread Team — picks up bread from local stores and delivers the donations to Family Kitchen.

Highway Cleanup — periodically cleans a section of US Highway 20.

K.I.D.S. (Kids Inspired Do Succeed) — inspires children to expand their horizons by leveraging funds with our community partners to provide meaningful adventures.  Community partners:  Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon, Bend Recovery Home, Central Oregon Partnerships for Youth (COPY), Family Access Network (FAN), Grandma’s House, and Cascade Youth and Family Center.

LOV (Latinx Opportunities Visioning) — facilitates ways that Trinity can become acquainted with, and develop relationships with, our Latinx neighbors.

Red Door Marketplace — raises money for Trinity Outreach by making and selling items in the fall before the holidays.

Christmas Giving — collects, organizes and delivers Christmas food gift cards, and special gifts to children, to make Christmas merrier for local families.

Alternative Christmas — provides an opportunity to donate to local and international neighbors in need through Family Kitchen, Condega Nicaragua Program, Episcopal Relief and Development and Kids Inspired Do Succeed (K.I.D.S.).  Donors receive holiday cards to send to friends and family letting them know that a donation was made in their name.